Before going into the details of passive income ideas to reach the financial freedom, I wanted to search for an accurate definition of the concept of passive income and like everyone I searched on Wikipedia and found the following definition:

“Passive income is the regular cash flow resulting from investing in a specific project without the need for physical participation or the actual presence of the investor Income holder. “

It’s okay if you don’t understand anything. Just keep reading. Simply passive income is the income that comes from a project or work without the need for your direct supervision. That is, you do not make an effort for it. The best example of this is the rental of homes. A person buys a house and rents it for a fee, and that is exactly what it is called passive income.

Of course, some things are much easier than buying and renting a house and much less expensive also, and in many cases, it is without capital, but with greater effort, the less capital, the more effort you need, and this are one of the first rules of investment. In this article, we have collected a set of steps to financial freedom from passive income ideas that anyone can implement.

passive income ideas


passive income ideas

If you like to write about the topics that interest you, you have the opportunity to make a passive income that you can build in your spare time and ultimately use it to reap significant financial freedom. Writing a SEO blog requires little initial investment time, but if you’re smart about your approach, you can win a lot. Let’s take a look at the matter to understand the importance of the topic.

A recent study found that bloggers can usually earn between $ 200 and $ 2,500 per month by investing in their blogs. Some big name bloggers earn up to $ 20,000 a month.

Of course, these numbers are not 100% accurate,the income is determined based on many factors, but always the amount of visits you create and the quality of your blog is what matters. You will need to do a lot of initial work to get your blog and search engines configured, but the higher the quality of your content, the more chance your blog will succeed.

These articles will help you in the field of blogging

Online courses

With the sweep of the Internet world, learning became easier, and there were opportunities for professors and experts with the expertise to present their knowledge in return for a profit, as well as the benefit for the learner .. The courses on the Internet are easier and less expensive than traditional courses that are usually expensive and due to costs That the course owner pays from renting the place and more.

It is also not limited to the number or place, which allows to earn large sums.
Online courses are considered passive income sources because they require one-time effort to establish the course and they are not required to supervise them directly.

Perhaps one of the best educational sites is now .udemy,
If you are proficient in a field and you have experience in it, whatever its type, you can create a course which is a group of videos explaining the topic in detail and upload it on the udemy website and then work on marketing the course on social media in your way.


The e-book is a clear form of generating passive income because after writing and publishing it, you can sit while the money is flowing into your bank account.

Of course, this does not mean that it is easy, but if you master e-books you will make money for years to come. Of course. The world highly values ​​this industry and places it in a very distinctive position.

E-books there are sold in the thousands and there are a lot of stories that tell about people whose lives have completely changed by writing e-books and selling them on a site like Amazon.

This culture will open the door for many obscure and talented writers to appear to the world and spread their talents.

But if you have a good balance of knowledge in a field such as travel perhaps or sports, you can create a small booklet in which you talk about your experiences and knowledge in the field and sell it on Amazon or through social media platforms.

There is another method that many uses that does not require you to write the book yourself. Rather, all you have to do is hire a writer to write the book for you, and that will be through freelancer, Upwork. And such services are very widespread on the self-employment site this is a great passive income and a good step to financial freedom

Well, let’s continue on how to make passive income

Social media

Social media to genarate passive income ideas

We all spend hours on social media without benefiting from it, while there are thousands of people around us who earn a good amount of income.
Of course, steps to financial freedom from social media are multiple and limitless, and they differ from platform to platform. The more followers you have on social media, the more opportunities with it.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even YouTube all fall under the name of social media and marketing. These platforms are aware of themselves, and if you mastered this science, you have taken an important step towards building a good amount of passive income.

Print on demand

merch by amazon steps to financial freedom

This idea recently spread, which is simply designing T-shirts and uploading them to a site like merch by amazon, then Amazon takes over the rest from printing the product to shipping it to the customer and all those things, you get a percentage of each sale of a design from your designs determined by yourself.

There are many sites that offer you such a service, such as rebubble, Etsy, Zazzle, and others. They are all big websites and millions of users use them daily, which means great opportunities for profit.

Usually, you use programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator to design, but you have the freedom to choose whatever program suits you best.

If you master this field well, it will surely generate income that you cannot imagine. There are people who have made a real fortune in this field. Someone posted a video on YouTube about how he earned an estimated $ 12,000 in one month

Selling pictures

Taking advantage of your hobbies and turning them into a source of passive income is always a step to financial freedom – so what is better than making money from what you love?

Shutterstock is an online photo database where users everywhere can download photographs, either with a free license or paid by users around the world. You might think you need to be a global photographer to make money from this site, but this is the beauty of Shutterstock. It is used most often by people in need of content for very specific images, not just those looking for creative artwork.

There are a lot of content makers on the Internet and website owners ready to pay money for a very specific picture.

You will initially earn 25 cents each time someone uploads one of your photos, but the more uploads you earn to your photos the return can be raised to 38 cents. This may seem very little, but keep in mind that you can upload as many photos as you want, and members with 500 or more photos can get hundreds or possibly thousands of downloads per month, this is one of the great passive income ideas

Apps industry

One of the most lucrative areas these days is one of the best sources of passive income on the Internet. Of course, if you are a programmer, you know where to go from there. Either by working on your own applications and uploading them to the Google Play Store for Android and the Apple iOS store.

The nice thing is that you do not need to be a programmer to make money from this field. There are several ways to do this:

Reskin. It is to take the source code of an application and game, and then change the name and shape of the application interface and some of the words and phrases that the application includes so that it becomes like another application is completely contrary to the first application but they have the same work method or the same way of playing if the application is a phrase About a game. And this field does not need much knowledge in programming, but anyone with learning some principles and basics can do it by himself.

The other way is via the goodBarber platform, which is a site that allows you to make applications, whether Android, iOS or ACE, without the need for knowledge of programming.
The site is paid but gives you the first month for free as an experience.

I don’t need to tell you that all of these areas need skill and knowledge, and nothing is easy. If you really want to reach your financial freedom and live with passive income you should strive and work to improve your skills, as you see, my friend, the opportunities are boundless, and what we presented in this article is only a drop in a sea of ​​endless opportunities.

If you have any thoughts of passive income ideas and we did not mention them, do not forget to share them with us in the comments and I wish you all the best.

Read also about financial freedom:

About the Author

Rebecca Ellene

Hi, My name is Rebecca! I am a 36-year-old, mom, stay-at-home, and a Blogger. I share info and experience on how to simplify your finances. With my useful tips and easy plans, you too can make and save money from home. My goal is to help you live the big life on a small budget, save money, make money from home and online so you can achieve financial freedom. Join my journey!

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