2. Brushing wrong or too soon

  • Don`t brush your teeth too hard. That can damage your teeth and gums and lead to tooth sensitivity.
  • Going left to right isn’t enough. Here’s the correct way: Start from the gum, and go up and down in little circular, up-and-down motions. Do it for approximately 2 minutes and ensure that you also get the spots that are hard to reach.
  • Don’t brush your teeth right after eating. Foods containing acid can weaken your enamel, so brushing could damage it and allow the acid to get even deeper into the teeth.
  • Don’t rinse your mouth after brushing, as it washes away the fluoride that protects your teeth.
  • Don’t use one toothbrush for too long. Change it at least every 3 to 4 months, otherwise it will be less effective once its bristles are frayed.

You won’t Believe The Thing N°06!