While you are in the college or even after you graduate, you will have a tight budget to dispose of, and you must look for ways to save money in college and also after it ..

To help you, these tips help students save money in college life:

Stop buying impulsively

The rush to buy may be tempting when you are out of the house or want to go out. The problem with this topic is that you will drain your money in things that you do not need and sometimes on things you do not want also, before you are interested in buying anything that you make sure you need and that it’s necessary

Hide your credit cards

Many students get dragged into the idea of ​​buying now and paying later. Unfortunately, this bad habit may turn against you. If you cannot bear the responsibilities of credit cards, hide them from your fingertips until you learn how to control their use.

Give up your bad habits

Everyone has at least one bad habit that may be a smoker or excessive smoking or even buying coffee before you enter to disconnect from expensive stores, whatever this habit you should give up immediately and start learning on the money-saving plan for students, it will surprise you how much money you can save.

Stop keeping up with your peers

If your roommate or classmates seem to have high bonuses, this does not mean that you will have the same, so try to get away from them and stick to your budget.

Find the right deals

When you are interested in shopping, try to find goods that are on the shelves of the liquidation or even deals. Buy one and get the other for free and buy used books instead of buying new and order special things instead of ordering from the list. You can save it.

Buy clothes that are washed in-home washing machines

You are at college and do not need bills for dry washing. Buy clothes that you can wash yourself or take them to your family’s home.
If you have to buy clothes that are washed with dry laundry, try to limit your use of them so that they do not cost your laundry bills every time.

Use previously used stuff

Use the things that used previously, whether they are books or clothes, there is no shame in that. If someone suggests that you take something you need, do not hesitate to accept it. Whenever you earn a lot of money, you can do the same for another person and it will be grateful as you were.

Stay at home

Going out from time to time is fun, staying at home is cheaper. Instead of spending time out of the home, invite some of your colleagues to your home to see when, play, talk, or have a snack.

Watch the morning shows

Going out to see the cinema with a few friends can be expensive. Instead of going to the cinema during the night, go in the daylight hours. The daytime shows are usually half the price of the night shows and you will be just as interesting.

I mean the library

Did you know that the majority of libraries offer services for using DVDs, CDs and many other entertainment devices for free and by taking advantage of this feature from this source, you will reduce your expenses for using CDs and renting movies

Make a budget: great tip to save money for college

Setting a specific plan and budget at the beginning of the month is essential and must be adhered to, because it avoids you the extra expenses and makes you fully aware of the specific money that you need, and if there are any extra expenses or you found that the budget did not suffice until the expected period, you will know then that you used the spending and must Of correcting the issue.

After obtaining the monthly expenses, calculate all the money you need for basic things, such as food and transportation, etc., and allocate a sum of money to it in a specific place that you do not borrow from under any matter, then the rest of the money put it in the sub-expenses field but it comes in Next rank in priorities, such as buying books and references, then you can spend the rest.

Providing transportation money

You should from time to time find alternative solutions to provide expenses even in basic matters such as transportation, for example, there are many transport companies that provide private transportation connected to an application on the phone, and despite the high price, they give you many discounts that can reach 100% Sometimes on several days a month, this can save you a lot, as well as you can look for university colleagues who live in your same location and rent a continue sharing fee together. Stay away from the independence of private buses such as taxis and private cars because they will lead to a major problem at the end of the month in your expenses and you will not discover them until after a long time and you are in crisis because of this, so think carefully on how to save money for high school students

 Save food money

As one of the food lovers, and as the most excited person at all times of college eating at home, I can honestly tell you that this is the first and main reason for not being able to save even a small amount for anything else, but the reason may sometimes be that you need a lot of money Greater than the monthly expense and exposure to a major financial crisis.

Put a small amount of money for food, go to the market and buy all your needs and make some home meals or sandwiches and eat them at the college, this will save you a lot, besides that it is clean food that maintains your health, and you will find that with the price of one meal outside the home you can make Meals will last you for at least three days.

 Work during school

We really need to learn more on how to save money in college, accept the idea that sometimes you will need more than the monthly allowance that your family provides you, you will need more money to balance your life and you never have to be angry about the amount of money given to you from them because that is precisely their financial ability, this is in addition to the fact that many people – I One of them- we prefer the idea of ​​working during college because it gives the person more experience and ability to take responsibility and provides him with the money that makes him a self-confident and reliable person. There are some jobs that students need to work on, such as a call center profession or technical support, and they offer large salaries and provide appointments that suit students, and there are some jobs that you can do from home, which are freelance work such as writing or e-marketing Or manage a page via social media and other businesses.

University housing

 A friend of mine used to live in one of the areas that are about an hour away from the college where we study, but she is in the same province, meaning that she does not travel anywhere, but she preferred to stay in the college city until she provides transportation expenses and provides a great time that she can take advantage of at work or studying, which is Practical thinking I wanted to tell everyone about it so that they can adopt the idea and generalize it, so you do not need to be expatriate or from another town to start thinking in practical terms.

Choose college housing if you live far away or in another town, and avoid as much as possible the idea of ​​owning a private place or housing with university colleagues because it will often be expensive, and also take advantage of the meals provided by the college so this can save you food expenses.

Avoid bank accounts

Many students or even parents resort to opening bank accounts so that they can save them, but for a college student it is one of the most things that can be considered a burden on it, there are monthly expenses or every three months deducted from this account in addition to the added benefits to it if you requested to obtain a credit card and, therefore, I do not consider it one of the practical matters that can be used in the case of studying at the college.

Supported purchase of used books

 In some colleges, or most of them, the price of books rises in a way that students cannot afford, and whether or not you have the amount of money you need to buy books, I find that if used books are available you can buy them instead of new ones or even buy books photocopies, and save book money for something else.

and finally in our article on how to save money for college student is Scholarships


Perhaps you are not one of the most prominent or most important ideas but you can take them into consideration, especially if you are one of those who live in the remote cities that do not have colleges, and are obliged to travel to study at the college because university scholarships provide you with housing, which is definitely close to the group and you provide transportation expenses, You will have saved a lot of expenses for yourself and your family, as well as some grants that give special money to him for food and expenses.