Such a beautiful thing when you fall head-over-heels for someone but then those feelings suddenly fade away
why is that it could be because of some seemingly innocent and harmless habits you do every day without even realizing it take for instance.
Here is the 8 Habits That Make Your Boyfriend Love You Less !

-Being Messy

Have you ever wondered why your passion disappears not long after you start living together well if one of you is messy then it’s no wonder nobody likes seeing dirty socks lying around the house and personal hygiene items left in the toilet or the bathroom sink and don’t try to put your responsibilities on somebody else.
your partner isn’t your mom or dad and th7ey shouldn’t have to clean up the whole house while you sit and watch TV or surf the web you are both grownups so show some respect for one another clean up after yourself and your significant other will really appreciate it

You won’t Believe Reason N05!